It has been more than six years after KARINAKAS was found on June 12, 2006. It was founded after the tremendous earthquake shocked Yogyakarta and Central Java. Started from voluntary action, KARINAKAS is not a solid organization in all its aspects. KARINAKAS responses any disaster based on what it has at the moment disaster happen. KARINAKAS help and serve the victims with all its abilities and capacities.
KARINAKAS shapes and establishes its identity in such organizational conditions. It likes a baby who is learning to walk, step by step; he strengthens his feet and learns from any experiences he got. During this learning period, KARINAKAS has improved its capacities which are developed through any failures, success, challenges, and chances.
The existence of this organization cannot be taken away from Archdiocese of Semarang. There are several organizations which also express the social sensitivity of churches in Archdiocese of Semarang. LPUBTN, YSS, and PSE Commission are KARINAKAS’s partners in actualizing churches’ social sense.KARINAKAS and other organizations build a network to continually serve society in the name of humanity.
Considering several experiences possessed, it should be prideful that KARINAKAS is still loyal to its vision and mission. However, it is undeniable that there are several things to be considered for the sake of organizational improvement. The year of 2009 is a right time to review what KARINAKAS has done and is being done, to focus its movement, to look at its future, and to move achieving idealism.
KARINAKAS are member of the big family Caritas Internationalis that centered in Rome. In coordidnation with Karina KWI, KARINAKAS alongside with hundreds of Caritas member from all over the world together creating world forming realization fairly for all people in the world, especially those who small, weak, poor, marginalized, dan disabled. Church faith to God which digged form Tradition and Holly Bible become source of inspiration and the spirit in carrying out mandat of KARINAKAS.
In 2017, KARINAKAS are on its 11th. Institutionally, the movement and work of Karinakas for approximately 11 years under the archdiocese of Semarang based on the Decree of the Bishop on June 12, 2006. However, since August 9, 2017, KARINAKAS has been transformed into a legal foundation and has its own NPWP. Deed of establishment KARINAKAS Foundation numbered 28 dated August 9, 2017. However, the direction and motion of Karinakas Foundation still refers to the direction and motion of the Archdiocese of Semarang, especially engaged in social and humanity. While the program that became the main focus now is:
- Social Inclusion Program
- Disaster Risk Reduction Program
- Program Development
Organizram Structure The KARINAKAS Foundation consists of the Trustees, Supervisors, Managers and Executives. The founder of Karinakas Foundation is Archbishop of Semarang, Mgr. Robertus Rubiyatmoko as Chief Supervisor.
Karina exists to be an agency which cares for and promotes human dignity.
To establish a movement rooted in compassion which works for justice, peace and the integrity of creation.
To develop an integrated service which promotes development and autonomy within community.
To establish a network connecting parishes, the diocese and related local, national and international groups and foundations.
To undertake fundraising in order to be able to meet the needs of those we serve.
To be responsibile and credible
To be pro-active
To be non discriminating
To be ethical,professional, expert and vocational
To be transparent
To promote a sense of belonging and ownership
To be inclusive and adaptable
To work as a team
To operate by way of subsidiarity
To be constantly open to new learnings
On 2009, KARINAKAS decided to deliver three major program, namely:
Community Based Rehabilitation.
OCBR program assists difable (different able people. That word replaces “disabled” to emphasize the equality between the disabled and the non-disabled). This program aims to support the development of inclusive communities that respect disability and accept the difables as part of communities. This program is implemented in three district.
2. Community Management Disaster Risk Reduction.
Indonesia has a high potential for natural disasters. The Ring of Fire passes through the Indonesian archipelago. Continental plates and ocean plates are under this country’s land mass. Earthquakes, volcanoes, windstorms and landslides are some of the possible disasters. Our understanding of mainstream disaster management allowed us to deliver the CMDRR program. This program assists parishes and communities to conduct disaster risk reduction, mitigation, and preparedness planning. Emergency Response Management is also important for communities that live in the hazard areas.
3. Development.
This program focuses on increasing household revenue and education for the poor. It also delivers scholarships for children. Assisted areas are located in 10 parishes in 4 district.