Inclined plane made in Beku Village, Karanganom Sub-district, Klaten, Central Java, as the effort of accessibility for the people with different ability, the elders, people who ill so that they can access the public service easily in Village office (Photo: ferry)
The description of inclusion is used as an approach to develop a more open environment; inviting and involving all people with their different background, characters, abilities, status, conditions, ethnics, cultures, and so on.
Open in the inclusive environment, means all people who stay, live, and have activities in the environment of families, schools, or communities are safe and comfortable to get their rights and to do their obligations.
So, inclusive environment is a social environment which is opened, friendly, diminishing the obstacles, and fun because each people without exception is appreciating each other and is embracing the differences.
Inclusion brings a simple and practical change in the community life. As the part of the community, we want to live in the safe and comfortable environment, which gives a chance to develop based on our interest and talent, based on the best way to study, which seek for the ease to do the obligation and get the rights as the community members.
The simple and practical change becomes the characteristic of the inclusive environment. In the inclusive environment, the simple and practical change is the effort to facilitate each individual to do his activities in the daily basic. The example of simple and practical change:
- There is an opened gutter along the path and there are many stones in the bank of the gutter, what change can be done by the people?
- Some people think that covering the gutter is the work of the public work department, so they will wait because they do not find any obstacle to use the path.
- Some other people, like the elders, under-school aged children, people who are ill because of stroke, people with vision difficulties, people who walk with cane or wheelchair, or pregnant mothers, they will find difficulties and feel unsafe and uncomfortable when using the path.
The expected simple and practical change is:
- A member of the community makes a report to the party who have the job to mend the path;
- The other community can cooperate to cover the gutter with board and move the bigger stones, so that each member of the community can feel comfortable and easy to use the path.
From this example, it is clear that each people get the benefit from that simple and practical change.
By the above illustration, it reflects that inclusion is in the relation with the community. Bearing in mind that basically, human being are social creatures who cannot live alone without the help of the others. So, how is the right understanding toward the inclusive community?
Inclusive community is all of us in certain area, who is responsible to each other to seek and provide the facility in the form of service help and facility so that each of us can fulfill our needs, can do our obligations, and can get our rights.
Generally, the availability of service and facility can be sought for all community members, but it can be the same for all people even though they live in one environment. It is because each individual in the community is unique and different. Thus, each community member needs different way for the service and facility which appropriate with the uniqueness and special needs.
For example, int the school context, the inclusive community is reflected in the classroom with variousm unique and different students. A homeroom teacher is considered to know and understand how they learn. When in the class, there is a student who finds difficulty in abrstarct learning, the teacher has the obligation to use and provide the concrete study media for the student, like using palm sticks to learn the concept of summation.
Other example, a child cannot study in a chaotic condition, so when this child makes his homework, his mother has the responsibility to seek for the calmness in their house, like do not turn the radio and television on, invite the other family members to play in the other room.
Inclusive community is a community who is open to all without exception, universal, disregard of the ethnics, religions, races, and ideologies. So, in the inclusive community, we meet and do the social interaction with the individuals who hace uniqueness and differences. The uniqueness and differences can be seen from the ethnics, religions and believes, skin colors, body postures, socio-economical status, education beackground, profession and titles, cultures such as languages, traditions, customs, characteristics, and many more differences to be found.
In the inclusive community which is opened for all of us, we do not only meet and make a social interaction with them who have uniqueness and differences generally. We cannot avoid the meeting with individuals with special characteristics with the notable differences. They are different in their ability to think, see, listen, talk, walk, and there are who have differences in their ability to read, write, count, and some have the differences in their ability to express the emotion, to make the social interaction and to concentrate. Individuals with special characteristics with the notable differences are people with disability, experiencing certain disorder, and having special needs. They are around us, and in inclusive community, we with our roles involving them in each activity.
So, inclusive community is an opened and universal community and friendly for all people, with each member acknowledging the existence, appreciating, and embracing the differences.
Each inclusive community member, who either have general differences or special and notable differences, have the responsibility through their roles in seeking for the facility, so that each community member inclusively can fulfill their needs, do their responsibility, and get their rights toward all life aspects in the community and national life. (Source: Yayasan Daksa, Translated by: Mita)