Bambang Sigap Sumantri, The Bureau Head of Kompas Yogyakarta, delivered the material in the Journalism Training of Pro KLMTD KARINAKAS at Gedung Belarasa Pringwulung Yogyakarta, on Friday, 1 April 2016 (Photo: ferry)
KARINAKAS and Kompas Daily held a journalistic workshop on Friday, 1 April 2016 in the KARINAKAS office at Belarasa Building of Pringwulung Yogyakarta. As an organization which stands up for the human’s dignity on the two matters, they are Disaster Risk Reduction and the effort to develop social inclusion with the strategy of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR), KARINAKAS with hundreds of Caritas members from various countries try to realize the fairer world management for all people, especially they who are minorities, weak, poor, marginal, and different ability (Kecil, Lemah, Miskin, Tersingkir, Difabel/KLMTD).
One of the community’s problems which still become the national agenda and alignment focus of KARINAKAS is the problems of KLMTD. KLMTD is a socio-cultural economics construction which differentiates between the rich and poor, the health and disability. The fact of the discrimination is that the KLMTD mostly experience injustice such as subordination, marginalization, access loss, even violence in the domestic or public realm. The scope of this injustice is very comprehensive in various fields, health, education, environment, economics, even politics.
To raise the issue of KLMTD in the community, it needs to cultivate the attention and cooperation of many parties, so that the community and many parties think critically toward it. One of them is the alignment of the authors toward the issue. The writings in the website, newsletter, Facebook and other media should be used as news or communication tools to the community. Those writing should contain injustice facts as the reflective study materials and the media to empower the KLMTD. The writings in media, as the tool to encourage the advocacy effort for the community, government, and stakeholders should contain news which are critical, transformative, emancipative, and empowering.
That is the journalism with KLMTD perspective, a journalistic activity which informs the injustice of the KLMTD and their struggle to be empowered and independent.
This journalistic workshop which was held on the Study Day program (HAJAR) was attended by the management, program, or field staffs so they have the ability to write and develop the same understanding and perspective in empowering the KLMTD.
The learned materials are the development of media trend, introduction to the journalistic, writing practice, and introduction to the photography. Bambang Sigap Sumantri and Fergenada Indra Riatmoko from Kompas were the speakers. (Author: Ferry, Translated by: Mita)