Yogyakarta, 12 October 2012
Three water management teams joined water management training which was conducted by KARINAKAS. Those three teams are from Talun, Sidorejo and Tegalrejo village, Kemalang sub-district, Magelang. It was held on October 11-13 2012 in Wisma Duta Wacana, Kaliurang, Yogyakarta.
Talun, Sidorejo and Tegalrejo are three villages which are assisted by DRR program after the Merapi eruption 2010. Coordinating with PW NU DIY and Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta, KARINAKAS is assisting communities in three sectors, they are disaster preparedness, recovery of safe drinking-water infrastructure, livelihood recovery.
A few moment ago, the water pipelines had been installed in three villages as well as forming water management team which consisted from various elements of the village.
“Of course we want that the community could be independent and show solidarity to solve their problems,” said Fr. Banu. “The water management teams become the concrete manifestation and step towards self-reliance. The training was a means in improving capacities in serving their communities,” said Fr. Banu, The Director of KARINAKAS.
The training was followed by 21 participants who are representative of each team. In the first day, besides doing some activities in the location, the participants were also doing a comparative study in other community in Kulon Progo which having water management. In addition, the training was also helped by Atma Jaya University, Yogyakarta who gave material of technical and management of organization.
After the training, the team were expected to develop work programs, maintain pipelines and establish solidarity among the citizen of community.