Bantul, 26/9
Self Help Group (SHG) of 5 (five) assisted villages were gathered to discuss the strategic planning of Village CBR Team in Kangen Gabusan Restaurant, Pasar Seni Gabusan, Bantul. The meeting which was held for two days attended by 19 people whom they are the representative of PWDs from Canden, Panjangrejo, Sidomulyo, Trirenggo and Sriharjo village.
Angga Yanuar as the Field Coordinator of KARINAKAS CBR Bantul explained that the strategic planning of CBR Board Bantul Dictrict will be implemented up to village level. “Then, the villages should be prepared so that the goals of district level can be implemented for real in village level” said Angga Yanuar.
In the second day, CBR Board Bantul District and Bappeda Bantul District would join in order to share the information related to the strategic in district level and the implementation budget availability.
So far, the SHGs have already assisted PWDs’ economic activities. Through this meeting, it is expected that it would encourage the passion of SHGs to establish CBR Team in village level that could covers more sectors. CBR itself supposes in assisting the five sectors of live in community, they are livelihood, education, health, social inclusion and empowerment/advocating. The establishment of CBR in village level will not only make it easier but also protect the implementation of strategic planning of CBR Board Bantul District.
“Establishing the inclusive communities would not be enough by planning in district level but the implementation should be protected and engages every aspect up to the village level, “ said Angga Yanuar.