Tuesday (31/08), about 76 people of Karang Panas Parish met together to celebrate month of Catholic Social Teaching (Ajaran Sosial Gereja). KARINAKAS got the opportunity to socialize and invite people’s empathy and compassion as the real action of Social Church Teaching for the small, weak, poor, marginal, difable (different able people)
“The aim of this event is that the Catholics ‘ngeh’ with the social situation around, because while living in a big city, it is sometimes difficult to see reality outside the church.” said Father Donny Widiarso, who gave the speech in the event.
Concern with the theme, KARINAKAS as the part of humanity work of the diocese illustrates the connection to the existence and the organization work. The aim of this socialization is that more people know KARINAKAS and involve in the compassion. At that time, the participants donated some amount of money for the persistence of KARINAKAS work.
KARINAKAS is open to give easier access to give the kindness for KLMTD through support in idea, labor, information, suggestion, goods and donation.