
Sleman District, Yogyakarta : Pakem, Somohitan, & Babadan Parish

Magelang District, Central Java : Sumber, Muntilan, Banyutemumpang

& Salam Parish

Klaten District, Central Java : Kebonarum Parish

Boyolali District, Central Java : Boyolali Parish


Sitrep # 8 – Merapi Eruption


November 6th 2010

Prepared by

Yohanes Baskoro (DRR-ER KARINAKAS Program Manager)

Albert Deby H ( KARINAKAS Communication Officer)



A. General

November 3rd, 2010, at 6.00 pm, Merapi volcano was erupted again.  Hot clouds and avalanches of volcanic material is greater than eruption in 2006 and last few days. Vulcanic cloud moved to every direction. Sumber Parish has evacuated all the volunteers and villagers that still stayed in the house on radius 10 km from the peak of volcano after sand rain on the night of November 3rd. On November 4thHot cloud reached almost 8 km vertical and then moved to the west area. It was reported that ash rain has reached Magelang, Purworejo, Ciamis, and some part of West Java Province.

Government has pronounced that the safe area is radius 15km from the peak of Merapi. It is extended from earlier safe area, i.e 10 km from the peak. IDPs now move to the safer area. Muntilan, Klaten, Banyutempang will be crowded by IDPs.

On November 5th, at 00.00 o’clock, Merapi was erupted again. This time was bigger than that was ever happen. Governement has pronounced that the safe area is radius 20 km from the peak of Merapi. From 00.00 until morning, greater evacuation was happened. All of the IDPs post in the previous areas were closed. Noted by the media, more than 60 people died.

IDPs were relocated in the safer area. Most of them were reach Yogyakarta City. The biggest IDPs center is Maguwoharjo football stadion. In the west area of Merapi, IDPs were relocated and has reached Muntilan and Salam Sub District. IDPs on Banyutemumpang Parish moved down to Magelang city.

Government have given warning to people that lived near river that has source from Merapi volcano. Lava from volcano will come trough that river. Code River on November 6th , at 12.00 o’clock, was stated “beware” by the government. Some rivers that have to be aware from lava are Woro, Gendol, Kuning, Boyong, Bedog, Krasak, Bebeng, Sat, Lamat, Senowo, Trising, dan Apu river. Borobodur and Prambanan Temple is closed for tourist because of the volcanic ash. Airport was closed until November 6th. It is reported that volcanic ash has reached Bandung city, West Java.

Since that day, map of IDPs center were totally changed. IDPs supporting goods were left on the previous barrack. Now, IDPs have nothing. The situation was changed just like in the first eruption on October 26th. It is worsen with the fluctuative IDPs number in every posts.


B. Coordination

KARINAKAS conducted assesment to the areas that was assisted before. Since the evacuation of IDPs was going on, data will be improved due to vulcanic activity of Merapi. If you want to clearly understand of the places mentioned below, please download the picture of safe zone of Merapi Eruption from this link 

1. Major Seminary Post – Kaliurang Street KM 7

Major Seminary of Saint Paul Yogyakarta is conducting a post for IDPs from the higher area. Around 1000 IDPs stayed there. Food item, non food item, health, watsan, trauma healing, were sufficient for some days. Donated goods and fund are available. Panti Rapih hospital supported this post. It is possible that the number of IDPs will be increase. 

2.Banteng Parish , Kaliurang Street Km. 7,5

Banteng Parish is on a compound of MSF congregation. They provide shelter for the IDPs. In the hall of Parish there were almost 1000 IDPs and could be increased. Helth was supported from Bethesda Hospital Yogyakarta. Soup Kitchen has already available. 

3.Kalasan Parish, Jl. Solo Km. 13, Kalasan, Sleman

IDPs ya IDPs were came from Glagaharjo, Cangkringan post. The parish provided shelter. Babies and unhealthy IDPs were in the Marganingsih Hospital. Logistic support has already picked from the previous barrack. Christian people from this parish provide lunch for IDPs. 

4.Kebonarum Parish Dawe, Pluneng, Klaten.

All the IDPs that stayed in station chapel, were evacuated into Parish Compound of Kebonarum. Church is used as IDPs posts. Kebonarum parish is the second highest from the peak of Merapi. The highest post is Kemalang post. It is possible that IDPs from Kemalang Posts will be evacuated to Parish. Caritas Purwokerto volunteers has arrived to Parish and assist IDP on that area.

5.Boyolali Parish, Jl. Merbabu 24, Boyolali. 

Before November 5th, Boyolali parish was not conduct any post. But, now, they assist hundreds of IDPs that has been evacuated from the higher places. Health was supported from Brayat Minulya Hospital, Solo and the government. Logistic stock is available for three days. Since IDPs are still coming, it is considered to find place(s) to be the IDPs center.

6.Babadan Parish

IDPs that have stayed in Babadan Parish area were evacuated to Maguwoharjo Stadion. 81 IDPs were evacuated to Ganjuran Parish, Bantul (50km from the peak of Merapi). Others IDPs were relocated to UPN University, Babarsari. There was a rumor that some of IDPs were not evacuated yet.

7. Medari Parish, Magelang Street Km 15 (21 km from the peak of Merapi)

Medari Parish is only a transition place. After IDPs (around 1000 people) arrived in the church, they gathered in 14 posts spread near the parish compound. IDPs came from area within radius 15 km. They were from Kanthongan, Margorejo, Kadisobo, Turi, and Pendeman villages. Each posts has conducted soup kitchen and logistic support is available for three days.

8.           Somohitan Parish, Turi

Beyond Kaliurang Street km 13, the road was blocked. Nobody is allowed to pass. There was an IDPs post in CSA congregation compound. But, all the IDPs and Brothers of CSA were evacuated to St. Aloysius Junior High School Mlati. Logistic support is available since IDPs were supported by the villagers surrounding the post and also CSA Congregation.

Panti Nugroho Hospital, Pakem Parish, Somohitan Parish are restricted to visit. They are steril areas since they are located within 15 km from the peak of Merapi Volcano.

9.Maguwoharjo Stadion

Now, it is the biggest IDPs center in Yogyakarta. More or less 30.000 IDPs stay on that football stadion. Logistic support, health, water sanitation, trauma healing are available and sufficient enough.

10.       Universities

Some of universities in Yogyakarta provide place for IDPs. Gadjahmada University, National Development University, YKPN University, Sanata Dharma University, and some High Schools in Yogyakarta are providing shelter for IDPs. Class room and hall become place for IDPs. Logistic support is sufficient enough.


There are some IDPs center in Muntilan Sub – District. Muntilan Parish and Van Lith High School are the major IDPs center. In both post, there are almost 3.000 IDPs and the number will be increasing since Merapi Eruption is still unpredictable. Pangudiluhur High School, Marganingsih Junior School, and some of public area surrounding Muntilan become IDPs center.

There are many more IDPs center spread over Yogyakarta, Klaten District, Magelang District, and Boyolali District. It is almost impossible to collect data all the IDPs center. IDPs has reached the further area from Merapi and entered City of Yogyakarta. Many IDPs stay in civilian houses. They are the most

IDPs position can not be sured. They are always moving from one IDPs center to another or moving to further area from Merapi. It will be difficult challenge to assist the “moving IDPs”.


Identified Needs

  1. Mats
  2. Masks
  3. Flashlights
  4. Eyedrops
  5. Multivitamins
  6. Drugs (cough, itch, cajuput oil)
  7. Biscuits
  8. Diapers
  9. Underwear
  10. Milk
  11. Rice
  12. Sugar
  13. Tea


C. Financial

Total Donation Received per November 6th, 2010 : IDR 962,321,209

Total Expenditures per November 6th, 2010 : IDR 517,668,512

Available Funds per November 6th, 2010 : IDR 444, 652, 697


1. IDR Account 


·        CIMB NIAGA Bank
a.n Keuskupan Agung Semarang qq Gempa PGPM Kidul Loji
No 018-01-00505-00-1


Mandiri  Bank
a.n Keuskupan Agung Semarang.Karina Kas
No 135-00-4500045-0


·        Bank Central Asia 
a.n Keuskupan Agung Smg qq Karina
No 009 509 3006

2. Euro Account

Bank : Bank CIMB Niaga (Persero),PT

Address bank head office : Graha Niaga 10th Floor

Jl.Jend.Sudirman Kav.58 , Jakarta 10220 – Indonesia

Address branch : Jl.Pemuda No.21 B, Semarang, Indonesia

Account number : 015-16-00006-00-3

Swift Code : BNIAIDJA

Account holder : Keuskupan Agung Semarang

Address account holder : Jl.Pandanaran No.13, Semarang 50244, Indonesia

Authorized persons to withdraw funds: Fr. FA.Sugiarta, SJ

3. USD Account

Bank : Bank CIMB Niaga (Persero),PT

Address bank head office : Graha Niaga 10th Floor, Jl.Jend.Sudirman Kav.58,

Jakarta, 10220 – Indonesia

Address branch : Jl.Pemuda No.21 B, Semarang, Indonesia

Account number : 015-02-28948-00-7

Swift Code : BNIAIDJA

Account holder : Keuskupan Agung Semarang

Address account holder : Jl.Pandanaran No.13, Semarang 50244, Indonesia

Authorized persons to withdraw funds: Fr. FA.Sugiarta, SJ

4. In kind donation could be delivered to this address:

Kompleks Realino
Jl. Affandi/Gejayan


E.Contact Persons


1.Rogatianus Anang S

   Mobile: 0812 2691 227

   Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


2.Yohanes Baskoro

   Mobile: 0813 2871 3052

   Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


3.Pictures can be seen through our website:



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