Flood Emergency Response Simulation of Sayuk Rukun Community and KARINAKAS


Japan 8.9 SR earthquake and tsunami shocked the world. Television, radio, and online news released it. The horrible incident is reported from earthquake started until the tsunami finished. In the other hands of the grief, Japan received praises from United Nations for disaster preparedness. Survivors queued in line when received relief items. There was no pillage.


The purpose of Disaster Risk Reduction Program is designing community preparedness from disaster. Since 2009, disaster-prone area such as Sragen often flooded by overflow from Bengawan Solo’s river. Community has been prepared for reduce disaster risk that will experience if flood hit. through assistance and study of disaster DRR team gave training to the community. Activity of Basic Knowledge Training of Disaster Risk Reduction and First Aid Response with St.Maria di Fatima’s volunteer and Sayuk Rukun community to produce flood emergency response simulation. It held (13/03) on Kembangan water reservoir, Sragen district. Simulation described how the community and society are ready to the emergency situation.

Participant came from Sragen Parish, representation from villagers along the Bengawan Solo’s flood plains (Tenggak village, Sribit village, Gawan village, and Pandak village), and the simulation is suppored by Indonesian Red Cross-Sragen district, and Himawalu SAR team. This simulation started with early warning, evacuation, first aid respons, simulation on the using of emergency tools and rowing the boat.


Chairman of this event, Mugiharsi hopes first aid training, and others trainings material that had been transferred to the community, will be useful on real emergency situation. Although they do not hope disaster hit their village, in other hands, society preparedness gives benefits on its community especially Joho’s village. Furthermore, Sayuk Rukun, Joho village community will be a model of village that has disaster preparedness and the knowledge can be transferred for other village.



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