Outbound of Reading Groups


Yogyakarta, Oct 30th 2012

On Sunday, October 21 & 28, 2012, children of reading group member from 3 assisted villages of CBR KARINAKAS Bantul held an outbound in Kampung Dolanan, Pojok Budaya, Sewon, Bantul. On the first day, the activity was attended by 31 children including 7 children with disabilities (Down-Syndrome, Blind, SCI, and MR) from Plebengan, Sidomulyo village and Kralas, Canden village. On the second day, the activity was also attended by 31 children including 7 children with disabilities (Down-Syndrome, CP, SCI, MR and Hearing Impairment) from Gaten and Srayu, Canden village as well as Jamprit, Panjangrejo village.

“Hopefully, this reading group outbound could give opportunities for children with disabilities (CWDs) and other children to play and do activity together,” said Margaretha Widiastutik, the staff of Education sector in CBR KARINAKAS Bantul.



This activity was started with traditional game named jejamuran.At the first time, it was not easy to ask CWDs to get involved in the game. However, after seeing their friend enjoyed the play, it made them interested to join. The next session was a workshop of producing traditional toy. At that time, children were ask to make pinwheel from the provided materials.


”I can make it by myself,” said Yuni, Down-Syndrome child from Kralas, Canden village, smiling while showing her pinwheel.

The session continued by visiting the house of handcrafter who produces traditional toys. All the handcrafter are woman that older than 80 years old. These woman are still very skillful and conscientious in making the toys, such as othok-othok, hand-fan, puppet, etc. The toys are usually sell for 1,000 IDR each.

After visiting some handcrafter houses, the children were asked to catch cat-fish in a muddy pond. Even in sweltering sun, the children’s spirit were unbreakable. Unfortunately,  there were some CWDs who couldn’t join in this activities regarding to her wheelchair and health issues. Nevertheless, they kept support their friends. After a couple hours in catching cat-fish, the session ended. Then the outbound closed with having lunch together.

KARINAKAS expects that this activities could continuously conducted, especially by the community itself in order to open the bigger opportunities of inclusion in communities.


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