"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone"


Sartono, in his work, Biogas installation (Photo: Sr. Huberta, FSGM)

“All things in this world have been run according to their function. Rainwater caught by the tree’s roots, so that the water supply in the world can supply the needs of all creatures. If all run well, no one will run out of water. But, it is not easy for me to talk about the relation between trees and water, moreover I talk in front of the elders. Because of what? All people clearly use firewood and it can be counted,” told a man who is called Sartono.

He memorized his childhood when he played in the spring well near his house. What had been seen by Sartono in his childhood, cannot be seen nowadays. Even, he currently experienced when the dry season come, all people in his village run out of water which increasing each year. Sartono thought, he had to do something.


Dwi Astuti was serving customers  in front of SDN Beku, Karanganom (Photo: Ferry)


Mbak Dwi, she was called by the students of SDN Beku, Karanganom, Klaten. Her full name is Dwi Astuti. This persistent woman with disability prepared her products each morning at the front yard of Polindes across the SD Beku. She sold snacks, popsicles, chocolates which the children loved. She also brought products of SHG Maju Jaya, where she became a member, such as dish soap and tempeh chips.


Dwi Astuti was talking with Pramono Murdoko, KARINAKAS Inclusion Program Manager (Photo: Ferry)


Dwi Astuti lived in a village not far from her selling place. She lived with her sister. Their parents passed away long time ago. They divided the jobs to live. Dwi Astuti had to sell the products while her sister sorted out the house chores.

Success Story of Difable

Sentrah are learning to recognize letters in the Sanggar Tunas Bangsa (photo:ferry)

She was called Sentrah, born 7 years ago in Plesan, Nguter Sub-district, Sukoharjo. Just like other children with CP (cerebral palsy) disorder, she has a hard struggle. The community is discriminative toward people with disability.

Generally, they assume that the existence of the people with disability is something that troublesome. Some think that their existence is a dishonor to the family, trouble-maker, and curse of sin which eventually excommunicated the people with disability from the society.
         In the next development, the people point of view toward the disability changes to something they should be pity of and help. They think that people with disability are considered disadvantaged and need help.
          Erni, the mother of Sentrah, deeply felt that discriminative treatment. When she gave birth to Sentrah, the rejection from her family can be felt. They rejected Sentrah and considered her as a dishonor to the family.

Succes Story

 Maryono (foto:ferry)


mimpi adalah kunci
untuk kita menaklukkan dunia
berlarilah tanpa lelah
sampai engkau meraihnya

(Dream is the key
for us to conquer the world
Flee tirelessly
‘Til you reach it)

It is a snippet of song lyric of Laskar Pelangi by Nidji which was popular through a film with the same title by Riri Riza. Dream is the key that human have a great goal and make a real effort to make it happen. Dream is ours, all the people without exception should have a dream because dream is one of the signs that human still have a will to fulfill their lives.

            Maryono, 36 years old, have that dream, even the big one. He lives at Nguter RT 3 RW 4, Nguter Village, Nguter Sub-district, Sukoharjo. Eventhough since a baby, he has had cerebral palsy (CP) which result in the paralysis of his legs and he suffered Spastic disorder (the stiff type), Maryono still has the spirit, especially after he met Tunas Bangsa Inclusion Learning Center in Nguter Sub-district, Sukoharjo.

            In that Learning Center, Maryono learns to live independently and gets the physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Occupational Therapy is a form of health service for the community or patients who have physical and or mental disorder. This therapy is using exercises/activities which working the selected target (occupation) to escalate the individual independence in the areas of daily activities, productivities, and utilization of spare time to improve the public health. The main goal of this Occupational Therapy is to enable the individual person to participate in the daily activities.

            Almost every day, Maryono came to the learning center by wheelchair being pulled by Mr Heri, his father. Maryono would be upset if he cannot attend it, either because he was sick or his parent had another business to be handled.

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