The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

Success Story of A Person with Cerebral Palsy: Maryono Can Have His Business as the Seller of Mobile Credit Top Up

Succes Story

 Maryono (foto:ferry)


mimpi adalah kunci
untuk kita menaklukkan dunia
berlarilah tanpa lelah
sampai engkau meraihnya

(Dream is the key
for us to conquer the world
Flee tirelessly
‘Til you reach it)

It is a snippet of song lyric of Laskar Pelangi by Nidji which was popular through a film with the same title by Riri Riza. Dream is the key that human have a great goal and make a real effort to make it happen. Dream is ours, all the people without exception should have a dream because dream is one of the signs that human still have a will to fulfill their lives.

            Maryono, 36 years old, have that dream, even the big one. He lives at Nguter RT 3 RW 4, Nguter Village, Nguter Sub-district, Sukoharjo. Eventhough since a baby, he has had cerebral palsy (CP) which result in the paralysis of his legs and he suffered Spastic disorder (the stiff type), Maryono still has the spirit, especially after he met Tunas Bangsa Inclusion Learning Center in Nguter Sub-district, Sukoharjo.

            In that Learning Center, Maryono learns to live independently and gets the physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Occupational Therapy is a form of health service for the community or patients who have physical and or mental disorder. This therapy is using exercises/activities which working the selected target (occupation) to escalate the individual independence in the areas of daily activities, productivities, and utilization of spare time to improve the public health. The main goal of this Occupational Therapy is to enable the individual person to participate in the daily activities.

            Almost every day, Maryono came to the learning center by wheelchair being pulled by Mr Heri, his father. Maryono would be upset if he cannot attend it, either because he was sick or his parent had another business to be handled.


According to Mrs. Puji Handayani, the Chief of the Learning Center and PAUD (Early Childhood Education) of Tunas Bangsa, Maryono now is able to live independently. As a moslem, Maryono can do the prayer. Even, he can help his parents to sweep and feed the livestock.

One of Maryono’s dreams is live independently and can communicate with more people. Now, he already reaches his dreams, Maryono has his business as the seller of mobile credit top up. With the help from Mr Heri, his father, Maryono gets the credit top up deposit which is then sold to everyone who need it. One of his customers is Mrs. Puji herself.

Maryono is still difficult to speak, but he is able to read and write. He communicates with others in written. To do the transaction with him, the purchaser just handed him a piece of paper with the phone number and the credit amount written on it, then Maryono will send the top up to their phone number. Are you interested to buy the credit top up from him? (Author: Ferry, translated by: Mita)

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